DIY Burlap Rosettes

I see burlap rosettes used to accent many things on pinterest and have been wanting to use them on some of my burlap hangers and other projects. You may remember the burlap flower I used on my mason jar burlap hanger. It’s SUPER cute and looks great but that little flower cost around $4. I splurged and bought it because I was so excited about that burlap hanger and how it turned out but I wouldn’t do that for all my hangers or DIY projects! I have seen packs of the burlap rosettes for sale as well but they’re about $3-$5 for a pack. I know that burlap is CHEAP so I decided to attempt to  make my own for a fraction of the price of the ones for sale in the stores. Are they are good looking as the store version, probably not but they’re definitely worth making for 10% of the cost of the ones for sale.

I followed this tutorial to make these so visit her site to see step by step.

I took a scrap of burlap left over from my burlap place mats and just cut it into strips to use. You could also probably purchase some burlap ribbon to use to eliminate the cutting step.


The longer the strip of burlap, the larger the rosette. I glued two strips together to make one larger rosette.

She uses felt on the back of the rosettes but I didn’t have felt so I used thin cardboard instead. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just something to glue onto the back to keep them secure.


You really can’t mess these up. I felt like I was terrible at this but they turned out better than I imagined at the time. They aren’t the prettiest burlap flowers but they will look fine in a cluster as an accent piece. I’m already looking at tutorials on how to make different style burlap rosettes. I paid about $3.50 for this yard of burlap and only used about 1/6th of the yard on these rosettes. Math isn’t my strong subject but I know that these were VERY inexpensive to make! They’d be cute on picture frames or lamp shades and MANY other crafting projects!


Here is an example of how I’ve used these burlap rosettes!

IMG_6090- medium

Also, don’t forget you can purchase one of my burlap hangers now at Hamby Home Decor on facebook.


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