DIY Ornament Wedding Favors

Our first wedding anniversary is coming up in less than two weeks and it makes me reminisce about our wedding and also thankful that it is all behind us. I am a planner! I loved wedding planning and all the DIY projects and little details I got to do! I had 14 months to plan our wedding and THANK GOD! Even after that much time I was still a stressed out mess before the day trying to make sure everything gets done. Let me tell you this, if you can afford a wedding planner, do it! I unfortunately could not which left it all for me and my mom (and whoever else I could talk into helping). I figure over the next couple weeks I’ll post all the little details of our wedding that made it so special to me!

Today I’m going to show you our wedding favors! Wedding favors are one of those things that I never thought that much about until it came time to plan my own. I still use all my coozies I’ve collected from weddings of friends and enjoyed eating all my cookies and candies that I received at different weddings as well. With our wedding being a Christmas Wedding, I knew from the beginning that I wanted to do ornaments. We still hang the ornaments that we got at my aunts wedding over ten years ago. I originally thought I would purchase ornament balls in our wedding colors and just order custom ribbon to tie on them with our names and wedding date. That would have been MUCH cheaper and simpler but of course I never can stick with simple. 😉

I saw a picture on pinterest and that’s all it took. I knew at that moment what my favors would be. They would be at least 6x the cost of my original plan but they would be BEAUTIFUL.

I got to work collecting all the supplies. It would take Styrofoam balls (ordered in bulk online), craft pearls (special ordered from Hobby Lobby when they were half off – 1 bag per ornament), LOTS of hot glue, straight pins and custom printed ribbon.

Luckily I knew these were going to be the favors right after our engagement and we got to work early enough where we had a year to make them all.

Here are the 2 simple but time consuming steps:

  1. Use the straight pin to pin the ribbon together as the ornament hanger
  2. Just start hot gluing pearls to cover the entire styrofoam ball (we attempted to keep the holes not facing out but there were some that did)

They took about 45 minutes to 1 hour per ornament. As our wedding date got closer I had “pearling parties” with my bridesmaids and family friends because we knew we were running out of time and would need more hands!

There was a lot of time and love put in each ornament but they were beautiful and I hope that each of our guests are enjoying them on their trees this year because I know we are! Although they were a lot of work, I am so happy with the way they turned out!

MFP-839 MFP-840

photo 2 photo 1

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