Advocare Challenge Customer Quotes

I started my Advocare challenge back in August and saw great progress towards my goals as you can read about here. I decided to join the business because I wanted to help others reach their health goals as well!

I’ve helped coach several people through their 24 day challenge and my favorite part of it is hearing their success and how great they feel. It validates that I am helping others reach health goals and now I’m helping some of those people reach financial goals as well which is also amazing. I can relate to their excitement because that’s exactly how I felt when I was doing the challenge for the first time. I have been documenting these quotes for a while and decided now is the perfect time to share a few of them! I can post all day about how awesome the products or company is but nothing validates it like these snippets of success!

After 1 day on the challenge: “The difference in how I felt getting up this morning vs yesterday morning was significant!”

After completing the 24 day challenge Brook sent me this success quote: “Hi, my name is Brook Svoboda, I’m 41 years old and I took the 24 day Advocare challenge in Oct of 2013. My jeans weren’t fitting and I was eating (and drinking) whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. With Advocare I got a step by step, daily program that got me focused on the correct way to eat and along with a great value packed box of supplements, vitamins, etc. Just knowing I had committed to a challenge kept me very focused. And the Advocare program will generate results. It really was the overall program that helped me not only lose 10 lbs in 24 days, but change my eating habits going forward. I expect to continue eating the “Advocare way” and maintaining a healthier, leaner, more natural lifestyle. I feel GREAT and my jeans don’t fit like some old Conway Twitty song anymore!”

Another challenger after 4 days of the challenge: “I already feel a lot better. I was down 6 lbs when I weighed myself Saturday, so I’m happy so far!”

After completing the 24 day challenge I received this email from her: ”  I finished the challenge 7 pounds down and 4 inches off my waist (& that’s without any working out!) but overall I just feel much healthier. My clothes fit differently, and I don’t feel as sluggish. I definitely want to learn more about some of the other products. I really enjoyed the meal replacement shakes. I have a hard time getting up early to make breakfast so they helped a lot! And I also liked the spark drink. They helped give me some much needed energy.”

This challenger is doing it with her husband and I love getting her texts:

After 7 days on the challenge: “Thought I’d give you a quick update…HUSBAND (I won’t call them out by name) is down 9 pounds and I’m officially down 5!! I seriously can’t believe how well this is working..we haven’t even started working out yet. We are feeling really good! I just feel less bloated and I don’t have ups and downs throughout the day with my energy. And I also feel cleaner…I’m not really sure how to explain that other than just feeling like their aren’t toxins in my body”

They are currently on day 20 of the challenge and she is down 6 lbs and he is down 12 lbs!

Now you’ve heard it from others…the Advocare 24 day challenge really works! If you’d like to get started making changes and want more information, email me at and I’d be happy to help!

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