I was a Victim of the “Love Chub”

I’ve always struggled to eat healthy. I just really enjoy junk food, sweets and diet coke. I would eat really healthy for a couple days or a week and then get frustrated and go back to my unhealthy ways. After our wedding, my weight got out of control and I was quite a bit heavier than I’ve ever been. I was a victim of the “Love Chub” and was embarrassed of my body, something had to change! I could hardly fit into my old clothes and I have little desire to dress up or shop for new clothes because I was so upset with myself for letting it get this out of control!

I heard about Advocare through a friend, she was already small but still saw great results and kept posting on facebook about how great she felt and how much energy she had. I have always struggled with not having enough energy, no matter how much caffeine I drink, so this really sparked my interest (no pun intended).

I decided to do the 24 day challenge – which ended up being a 20 day challenge for me, due to vacation. The supplements for the challenge were awesome, I no longer craved caffeine or sweets (and if you know me, I ate/drank plenty of both daily). It gave me the strength to stick to my clean eating diet for all 20 days and see quick weight loss results. I lost 6.8 lbs and 9.5 inches in 20 days! Prior to the challenge, I had upset stomach problems several times a week, but I also noticed that during those 20 days I never once had an upset stomach.


I know you can’t tell a huge difference in my before and after picture but I feel so much better and my clothes fit better! I no longer feel bloated all the time and I feel more confident in my body! I still have a LONG way to go but if I can lose that much in 20 days, imagine what I can do if I stick with it!

If this is something you can relate to and you’re ready to lose weight or simply get healthy? Shoot me and email at clconerly@yahoo.com about it and I’d love to help you get started on this awesome journey with me and Advocare!

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