Brick Peel and Stick Wallpaper Kitchen Refresh

Wallpaper is showing up everywhere these days and I’ve been dying to give it a try. I knew peel and stick wallpaper was the way to go for me. I am not ready to commit to any one pattern for too long and wasn’t ready to tackle real wallpaper anywhere. I decided this small wall in my kitchen needed a little love, it’s the first thing you see when you walk in our front door and turn into the kitchen and it just needed some visual interest.

So I started hunting for the right peel and stick wallpaper. There are TONS out there these days and sold in lots of stores (Target, Walmart, most craft stores, etc.)

I was searching for the right print and ran across this brick wallpaper and fell in love. I wanted something that was going to stand out and it had the perfect colors, pulling brown from my cabinets and floors, blues from all my blue and white decor I love to use, and grays and whites also to brighten and cool down the space a bit from all the warm tones.


This was the perfect nap time project. This one wall only took a couple hours (tops) and the hardest part is just cutting and lining up the patterns. 

This used less than half of the roll which left me extra that I used on my niches in my entryway. I am redecorating them so they’re not complete but I love the change on them also! 

I shared some tips and Instagram stories on how I applied it and they’re saved in my highlights HERE. Just click the Wallpaper Project Highlight to watch!

Here is the link to the wallpaper I used again in case you missed it in the post! All you need is the wallpaper, scissors and an exactco knife to trim the corners!

So Here is the kitchen before

And Here it is After! It’s super hard to photograph this little hallway because there’s no natural light but this is a close representation! 

I am loving the change. It’s such a statement for such a low cost and easy diy! And when I get tired of it, I’ll just pull it off with no harm done!

It also inspired me to update this little wall in the kitchen with a painting I did years ago and this ikea rod.

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