Things I Love Thursday – John Frieda Dream Curls

fe-dream-curls-curl-perfecting-sprayI cannot go anywhere overnight without my John Frieda Dream Curls Styling Spray. I consider my hair in the “ugly/wavy” category. I have to work really hard to straighten this mess of hair which is why I got the new and awesome straightener that I talked about here but I also have to work at achieving decent curls. It can be the best of both worlds or the worst because both take work. Luckily, my friend Jessica from The Life & Adventures of Justin and Jess told me about this spray and I have been using it ever since.

I’ve used mousses and other sprays before but never could get the right type of curls. The one product I was using prior to this made me hair look wet at all times and it was super crunchy to the touch…not quite the look I was going for. This styling spray leaves your hair feeling soft and natural. I can get out of the shower, spray it all over, scrunch it and let it air dry! It’s a great fast and easy option for me that I do 90% of the time. I love my hair straight but it takes so much time and work and doesn’t stay as straight as I want it through the day.

Another bonus…this bottle is only about $6 which is a great price and it’s a good thing because I go through about a bottle a month! I definitely recommend this product to anyone who wants loose, natural looking curls!! I often purchase a couple bottles at a time because I use it so quickly.


Here is how my hair looks after using the John Frieda Dream Curls! No, it’s nothing super special but it works great for me when I’m running short on time getting ready or days you know you’ll be in a humid area (BEACH – not even worth trying to straighten my hair with that humidity) or if you know you’ll be working out that day and it’s not worth taking a lot of time to fix your hair! Try it out and let me know what you think!
