Confessions of a Stress Eater

Remember when I had lost 7 lbs on the Advocare 24 day challenge and was feeling awesome and was fueling my body with proper nutrition? Well me too, but unfortunately that all came to an end when we put our house on the market. I am a stress eater and when my free time is limited, I don’t meal prep or cook AT ALL. We’ve been eating out a lot and never healthy choices. My “meal prep” was anything frozen that I could just pop in the oven and we know those are usually never healthy.

Selling a house has to be in the top most stressful experiences I have had in my life. I’m slightly OCD about our house, especially when anyone is coming over, which resulted in me over-stressing about the house being perfect all the time. Thank God we’re building and not planning to sell for a LONG time! They are only required to give you one hours’ notice to see the house so I was constantly doing whatever I could to keep the house spotless, which is exhausting. Once we accepted an offer, it became the stress of packing and moving and making decisions involved with building a house that kept me from cooking and eating correctly. Unfortunately, not only have I been eating poorly but I have barely made the time to make it to the gym over the last couple months as well.

So, it’s safe to say that I, Courtney Hamby, am a stress eater and I have probably gained all 7 lbs back and I’m feeling miserable with myself AGAIN. I love bad food but it makes me feel terrible and I always wonder why I do this to myself!! My clothes are tight and uncomfortable and I’m unhappy with what I see in the mirror or in pictures. I guess everyone reaches that point of desperation to change, well I’m at that point!

The good news is the light is at the end of the tunnel. We close on our house next week and life should somewhat calm down and go back to a semi-normal life as we build our house. My plan is to get back in the kitchen and get back on the Advocare 24-day challenge once we’re settled in our temporary home. I know the challenge works and I need a strict clean eating plan to follow to see the results as quickly as I’d like. Plus, Lord knows I need to cleanse after all the junk I’ve been eating lately!

If you’re feeling the same way and are at that point where you feel miserable in your own skin and desperate for some results, email me at and I’d love for us to do the 24-day challenge together!