Recycling Projects

This post isn’t about going green and recycling, which is always a good thing although I never seem to make that a priority like I should. It’s about recycling used “trash” in your home and re-purposing it. Pinterest is FULL of ideas of ways to use so many things we typically throw away after using (cans, jars, bottles, boxes, etc.) Although I haven’t done all the “recycling” projects I’ve seen with cans and boxes, I hardly ever throw anything away these days that comes in a glass container of some sort. I currently have a stash of old containers waiting to be needed around the house for something.


Here are just a few projects I’ve done with old jars or bottles but like I said, the options are endless. I have spray painted a lot of them and wrapped twine around them for vases, they’re easy and SO CHEAP! I have many different sizes and shapes available to use which is very convenient!

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Another great thing to recycle is wood. We knocked down our deck railing almost a year ago and we’re still using that wood for projects. It’s great for DIY décor because it’s weathered and aged which to me adds character. Here are a few projects I’ve done with our recycled deck wood. I plan to do a tutorial on the post and mason jar wall decor very soon so keep an eye out for those!

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Being resourceful and recycling these items around the house makes for very frugal crafting and DIY projects which is my ultimate goal!